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Puppeteers of America

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility

Puppeteers of America's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Committee

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PofA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Committee

Chair: Sally J. Moore
Board Liaison: Edna M. Bland

Mission Statement

The objectives of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee are to research, develop, and recommend best practices for welcoming, promoting, and advancing the full and equal participation of diverse puppeteers within and through Puppeteers of America.

Relevant types of human diversity in this context can include, but are not limited to, gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, neurological or physical abilities, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, custom, marital or parental status, veteran status, legal status, or education level.

Puppeteers of America
310 East 38th St, Suite 127
Minneapolis, MN 55409
