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Puppeteers of America

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The Puppeteers of America Rufus and Margo Rose New Works Fund (formerly the Rufus and Margo Rose Endowment Fund) was established in 1975 to honor the passing of fine performers and great friends of puppetry, Rufus and Margo Rose. The Rose New Works Fund makes possible financial grants to active puppeteers for projects that will further the growth and development of the art of puppetry. Contributions to the fund are invested and every other year awards are made from the interest that has accumulated. Awards generally range from $500 to $1000. Note: the award timeline is usually synced with a National Puppetry Festival timeline, with awards being announced at a Festival.

An Endowment Fund contribution is a fitting way to honor a departed friend of puppetry or to express thanks to a colleague, committee or guild. It is also a concrete way to express interest in and dedication to the art of puppetry. Contributions to the fund are tax deductible. As this fund grows, more money will be available for the financing of worthy projects. Please contact Aretta Baumgartner, New Works Fund Committee Chair, at with any questions or concerns.

Applications will be available here when the 2025 is activated. Look for announcements on PofA social media and in PofA emails/newsletters.


  • Mid-April to late May 2025: submissions open/applications accepted
  • June 2025: applications reviewed by New Works Fund Committee
  • July 2025: recipients announced and funds awarded

Past Endowment Recipients

Puppeteers of America
310 East 38th St, Suite 127
Minneapolis, MN 55409
