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Puppeteers of America

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Pacific Northwest Regional Festival INFO

The Left Coast Puppet Love Fest is the Puppeteers of America Regional Festival for the Pacific Northwest. Planned originally for August of 2020, the festival will bring together puppeteers, enthusiasts, and the puppet curious all across the west coast and beyond! The festival will be held August 3 - 6 2022, in Seattle Washington.

Festival Staff

Festival Director - Dustin Curtis

Festival Artistic Director - Mary Nagler

Workshops Director - Rachel Jackson

Festival Coordinator: Annett Mateo

Puppet Slam Coordinator - Zane Exactly

Original Graphic Design: Valerie Scott

Design: Julian Pena

Business Manager - Charlie Conley, PofA Finance Officer

Puppeteers of America PNW Regional Board:

Annett Mateo - PofA Regional Director

Doris Hicks - President,  Willamette Valley Puppeteers

Mary Nagler - President, Portland Guild of Puppetry

Rachel Jackson - President, Puppeteers of Puget Sound

Special Thank you to The Puppet Slam Network

Puppeteers of America
310 East 38th St, Suite 127
Minneapolis, MN 55409
